Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Where I'm At

So after a little (or let’s be honest - a very long) blog hiatus, I figured I should get these thoughts rolling. Ahhh the vulnerability! Many of you have asked where I’m at with this whole process. So what can I tell you? Most everything has fallen into place perfectly. In the last month I've raised a little over four of my five thousand dollars, bought the most expensive plane ticket of my life, and been vaccinated beyond imagine. My car will be taken care of while I'm away, and my house is rented out. Things are coming together and this plan for Africa is working itself into reality. So what next?

The Summer Agenda:
June 17: Last day of work at PCH
June 19-July 18: Mercy Ships Training at the MS world headquarters in Lindale, Texas
July 20-July 27: Saying goodbye to the fam in MN
July 28-31: More Phoenix Goodbyes
July 31-August 8: Camp Rainbow in Prescott
August 9: Laundry!
August 10: 7am Departure for Africa

I've got an eventful summer ahead of me, and even more to do before that begins. This holiday weekend I'm sure the nostalgia will hit as I sift through my drawers and deem half my stuff worthy of the good will. I have so much I don’t even use. I’m sure we all do. On that topic, I have a NOOMA video by Rob Bell on my facebook page that I love and I'm posting it here Quality stuff I'm sure I'll experience more so once I'm in Africa. So in these last few weeks as I try to fit my life into storage bins and goodbye meals, I'm hoping that the small details yet to be worked out will just fit right into the master plan. More to come on that soon.....