Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Final Newsletter

Well, it's been quite a crazy year living on a ship off the coast of Africa.  As I type this I'm currently sitting in the comforts of my oh-so-spacious bedroom back in Scottsdale and I'll be honest - while I love being back in Phoenix I also miss Africa so much.  It's very, very bittersweet.  I know without a doubt that Phoenix is where God has me for we'll see what comes my way!  I initially took a job working at Cardon Children's Hospital for the remainder of 2010 and then I'm returning to my old position at the Cancer Center at Phoenix Children's in early 2011.  This will be my last post, and I'll leave y'all with my final newsletter and a video that a friend of mine made from the ship.  With his permission, I am sharing that here.  So many of these folks in his video were my patients.  I wish I had the time to share all the amazing stories.  So feel free to ask me about them when you see me, and thanks for following along with me this year.  I know I've been so lucky to see and experience all that I have.  God has been good to me. 
View my final newsletter here

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